Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day +10

Anthony had a ok night.
He received some blood last night.He is still really Puffy but the diuretics are helping.
He is a little less agitated..
We are seeing his #'s go up
His White Blood count - 700
Nucleated Red Cells- 3
Absolute neutrophil CT Cal-101
These are the Numbers we are watching for Engraftment and yesterday all these were 0.
With all the extra fluid they are watching his liver and kidneys and are putting him on a gentler one.
I can't even say how happy we are that he is starting to en graft.I do believe the doctors were surprised..But I stood there in the hall way Praising our God for what he is doing with Anthony.
Please continue to pray for
Agitation- The faster he en grafts the faster we can get him off the steroids
Puffiness and water Gain
Pray for him to sleep as this helps him heal so he can come home.
I know we have a long road but I know Our GOD is greater than any of this medicine and that we have such a strong willed little boy that can make it through this transplant and this disease.


1 comment:

  1. Praise God!!! Very good news.... Sleep is the key and I will be praying that he can rest and stop pacing his cage....

    Love to little Anthony :-)
    P.S. I have to say what a blessing the music on Anthony's blog is :-) Love it!
