Monday, May 31, 2010

Anthony is off Respiratory Isolation so he can at least go on walks around the unit.
They got him on antibiotics last night with the blood infections.So we just wait for the sensitivity's of the bug and get him on the right one by hopefully Wednesday.
He needs to be negative for 48 hours before we go home.
We will do another chest xray on Wednesday and see if his spot on his chest has cleared.If it hasn't we probably do the Brochoscopy on Thursday or Friday..We are hoping it will clear by then.
We are hoping and the doctors know we want to get out of the hospital but not at the expense of Anthony's health.Right now we could do everything they are doing in the hospital including the oxygen at night.So it is a wait and see game and we are hoping to get home very soon with our sweet baby boy.
Please pray for Anthony's lungs to clear so we don't have to have the Bronchoscopy.
Please pray for negative Blood cultures very soon.
Pray for patience on John and me.

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