Sunday, May 30, 2010

What to do now...

Anthony seems to be doing better today despite the low grade fever earlier this morning which lead The doctors to do some blood test to see if he had a blood infection. we just got the news that he does have another infection (Gram negative rods). During rounds my dad was discussing with the doctors that Anthony is not in the hospital for anything that we could not do at home. My Mom has done the Antibiotics and knows how to do oxygen, if he needs to be sent home with oxygen. My parents are at the point of being frustrated with the situation at Seattle children's the doctors where told that he needs come home by Wednesday or we they are going to start looking into transferring him to UCSF Medical center but now with the blood infection the earliest he could get out now is on Thursday. this has been a really frustrating hospital stay and today marks the 10Th week of being in the hospital.

Please pray
-that Anthony's infection goes away
-Guidance and patience for my parents as some very important decisions need to be made for Anthony's health
-For Anthony's lungs to get better


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